Executive Communication Coaching

English language

3 Simple Phrases That Make Every Conversation Less Awkward, According to a Communications Coach

Discover how to effortlessly navigate conversations with these three simple phrases recommended by a communications coach. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, awkward pauses can be a thing of the past. Learn how phrases like “Tell me more about that,” “How does that make you feel?” and “What are your thoughts on this?” can transform interactions into engaging, meaningful discussions. Mastering these tools not only keeps the conversation flowing but also deepens connections with others.

3 Simple Phrases That Make Every Conversation Less Awkward, According to a Communications Coach Read More »

Speaking skills, articulation

6 Things you must know about articulation

If there’s is something that amazes me the most, it is the power of being articulate. “How some people achieve dramatically different results than others with what seem to be the exact same ingredients.” –Phil M Jones It is as simple as the art and love for cooking. Same ingredients, same quantities yet the taste

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Archana parmar why is impromptu speaking important

7 Impromptu Tips and Tricks to deliver a Great Speech

What is impromptu speaking? Impromptu speaking is giving an unprepared talk. In any  situation  when a person  simply takes the  floor, selects a subject, and begins, the twist to the tale is that the ideas voiced are unrehearsed and unprepared. The typical characteristic of this form of speech is the unprepared delivery and the suddenness

7 Impromptu Tips and Tricks to deliver a Great Speech Read More »

Effective verbal communication

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills

It’s easy to get people’s attention, what counts is getting their interest.”  — A. Philip Randolph  If you haven’t been snoozing the past couple of years, you have likely also noticed an overabundance of electronic tools that are designed to steal your attention and interest. Social media platforms Facetime, Skype, zoom, Webex, teams whatsapp Video games,

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Archana Parmar Assertive communication

Assertiveness: Skill You Need To Move To The Next Level

As you stack all your technical skills to prepare to chart the career progression, one more thing you need to add to your bag is people skill. You need to be assertive to excel at your career. Assertiveness is a personality trait characterized by being proactive, confident, straightforward, and direct. It’s opposed to passiveness which

Assertiveness: Skill You Need To Move To The Next Level Read More »

Archana Parmar

How to learn business writing? Keep it simple!

Clarity, simplicity, and good approaches are more important in business writing than fancy or long phrases. Tell me what you want me to know or accomplish in a concise manner—and make it appealing to the eye! It is as simple as that. When you utilize Plain English strategies, especially those that focus on the audience: use everyday English whenever feasible, your reader will understand your message clearly. Use simple sentence structures—two lines should plenty. Use headings and lists to draw the reader’s attention and guide them through the text. The

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Archana Parmar

How to structure your business emails?

What are some ways that compelling emails can help you to be more productive?  Simple: choosing the correct words to communicate will persuade people to respond to your emails. You will obtain the result you’re looking for more accurately and faster, and you’ll save a great deal of time. If you want to improve your business emails and make your business writing more impactful, you’ve come to the right place.  What you write and how you write will have an impact on how people see you & your firm, whether you’re communicating with business clients or coworkers, managers or subordinates. Not only that, but your writing could mean the difference between a stalled project and a completed one. Always ensure that your email has a clear and logical structure, regardless of the topic, purpose, or receiver.  Include all of the following components in your business emails for optimum effectiveness:  introduction + details + action + closing. INTRODUCTION  Begin by addressing the receiver as “Dear Name.”  The most prevalent ones in today’s corporate sector, from more formal to less formal, are “Hello Name” or “Hi Name.” Introduce yourself by email. Begin with a cheerful and friendly tone, including some basic background information, the main reason for your letter (explain them what’s going on right away), and a brief summary of the following steps. Example: Hello Lata Michael has asked me to send you an email to confirm that I will be able to come to  New Delhi in September to conduct a product training course with your IT staff.  I’m available any time throughout the first two weeks of the month. DETAILS Do they require any other information or background? If that’s the case, you’ll want to mention it in this section. Short paragraphs should be used to break up your email (no longer than 4 or 5 lines each).  Bullet points assist in organising your thoughts, also the material will appear clearer to the reader, be more visually appealing, & be easier to scan. Here’s a rough estimate of the costs: • Fee for a trainer: INR 9000 per day (this will probably be a two-day course) • The cost of a flight is roughly INR 4000. • The cost of a night’s stay is approximately INR 3000. ACTION What’s the next logical step?  Tell them exactly what they need to accomplish (agree on meeting schedule, approve the budget, or proofread a document, for example).  Let them know if they don’t need to do anything after receiving your email. Kindly let us know whether you can manage these fees.  I’ll arrange flights and make hotel reservations once I receive your confirmation.  We can save costs if we book weeks in advance. CLOSING Always (always) say thank you if they have to do something.  Before signing, you can say “Have a wonderful day” or “All the best.” Thank you for your support, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns concerning this training course. Have a wonderful day, Archana Note: You want people to read

How to structure your business emails? Read More »

Archana Parmar

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know?

Breathe in- Breathe out Rather I should be saying stomach in- stomach out. That’s how we were designed to breathe by default. The rhythm of breathing creates electrical activity in the human brain that enhances emotional judgments and memory recall, scientists have discovered for the first time. These effects on behavior depend critically on whether

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know? Read More »

Archana Parmar

3-step formula to become an effective communicator

If you’re like most people who lack confidence to communicate, or the ones who don’t find suitable words to express themselves, then you’re always looking for a better way to conduct yourself. But it seems like a never ending practice. Good news: now you too can gain the confidence to communicate effectively by following a 3- step proven

3-step formula to become an effective communicator Read More »